Saturday, November 17, 2012

About Me

Well, my name is Meagan Brianna and I love to write. However, my main concern at the moment is acting. I am a high school student that attends one of the most frowned upon schools in my district, but I am in love with this school! You may find my posts including my works, crazy friends, rants, and Vampire Academy. I am a total Rose Hathaway wannabe, by the way. I spend my days going to school, encountering the usual drama of a teenage girl, and spending time with my 4-year-old brother (Evan). Before I get into too much detail, I should mention that I appreciate criticism and words of wisdom from those of you who share my passion in writing.


Hi everyone! I created this blog to promote my books on Wattpad. I have a book up that I hope to publish in the coming years, so I hope you book lovers will check out this book and tell me what you think! This book is called Love & Betrayal.

                                                                 ~<3 Meagan