Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My Occasional Rant

Sorry for not posting anything in a LONG time. I've been dealing with some drama (as usual). Here it goes...

I am sure most of you have that one person in your life that you absolutely can't stand. Well, that one person has casted quite a darkness on my light. A few weeks ago, at school, this girl had told the school certain things that I am not allowed to discuss. Don't worry. The issue has been resolved. Although, I am still being scolded for my idiocy. So, I would like to send a shout out to all the girls: Don't think that dragging someone down is better for you. Because, due to what happened, I found who my true friends were- cheesy, but true- and gained more respect from my peers. In fact, more people hate this person now because of what happened. A lot hated her before because of her lies, but this stunt she pulled sent her popularity status to an all time low. So, before you try to drag someone down, think about the outcome. You have to prepare yourself for every result that follows your actions. Just saying.

Now that I'm done with my rant, I hope you all enjoyed the holiday season! Feel free to tell me how your holidays were and whatever by commenting! Luv ya <3

~<3 Meagan

Saturday, November 17, 2012

About Me

Well, my name is Meagan Brianna and I love to write. However, my main concern at the moment is acting. I am a high school student that attends one of the most frowned upon schools in my district, but I am in love with this school! You may find my posts including my works, crazy friends, rants, and Vampire Academy. I am a total Rose Hathaway wannabe, by the way. I spend my days going to school, encountering the usual drama of a teenage girl, and spending time with my 4-year-old brother (Evan). Before I get into too much detail, I should mention that I appreciate criticism and words of wisdom from those of you who share my passion in writing.


Hi everyone! I created this blog to promote my books on Wattpad. I have a book up that I hope to publish in the coming years, so I hope you book lovers will check out this book and tell me what you think! This book is called Love & Betrayal.

                                                                 ~<3 Meagan